This picture might be one of my all-time favorites: I looked down at Amelia the other day, and she was actually trying to put on my bra! She has been imitating us so much more this past week . . . she’ll hold the phone up to her ear and babble, she’ll get a tissue and try to wipe her nose, and she’s started to try and put on shoes. Speaking of shoes, she learned to say “shoe” this week and “turtle.” I’ve started this thing of every time I take her downstairs, I stop at each framed picture and say the name of the person in it – she has learned to expect it and she starts pointing and saying the name… either bubba (Noah), mommy, dada or doggie. Last night she was flipping through a family photo album taken at Christmas, and she looked at each picture and would point out “Bubba.”
Noah started first grade last Monday and is really enjoying his new school. After he came home the first day, I asked if he made any friends, and he said, “Oh yeah! I made two best friends!” So I asked what their names were; he said he didn’t know… Noah’s never been so great with names! When his teacher asked each child in his class what they like to read, Noah responded with “The Wall Street Journal”; I got a pretty big kick out of that one. I’m so excited to be able to help out more at his school this year; I’ll be going to the library and P.E. with his class every week.
Noah’s been asking me if he can start playing football. I’ve never been a fan of the idea of him playing tackle football, so we compromised and I signed him up for flag football. (Before it starts, I really hope it cools off from the 107 degrees it’s been every day this week!)