We decided to have Amelia’s 2nd
birthday party a month early, before it got too hot. We were also able
to time it for when Mike’s mom, Nancy, was in town; at the last
minute, it worked out that my mom, Julie, and my two nephews, Parker
and Preston, could come as well.
Thanks to my obsession with
Pinterest, I spent weeks planning her party. Once I decided on a
barnyard theme, I went to town “pinning” every idea I saw that was
something I could
make to add to her party. It was fun, and I had a really hard time not
going overboard.
I think in total we had
around 60 people attend, and it was a zoo… literally, a petting zoo with
a pony ride! Amelia was in HEAVEN! When she wasn’t riding the pony,
she was following
it around saying “ride, please!” The petting zoo had about 15 animals,
including small rabbits, goats, sheep, ducks, chickens and miniature
potbelly pigs. Thank goodness we have a lot of shade in our backyard . .
. the animals were able to stay cool, as
well as all the kids and adults who were doing the petting.
I could have never pulled off
the party without my mother-in-law, Mike or my mom. It was a great
success and Amelia loved every minute of it, especially when she got to
eat her
“cow cake cake,” as she called it.
It was so great to have all the friends we’ve made since moving here come to her party – Texas people are the best!
She was one tired little girl by the end! |