work had a retreat at the J.W. Marriott Scottsdale Camelback Inn that
we were lucky enough to attend, thanks to Mike’s mom, Nancy, and her
friend Patti . . . they flew out to watch the kids for the four days
while we were gone. It was the first time since our honeymoon that we
stayed in a hotel together without kids! There were different
activities that we could sign up for each morning, such
as hot air balloon rides, repelling, kayaking, going on a cattle drive,
etc. We opted for sleeping in; sounds lame, but I cannot tell you how
nice it was to not have someone asking for cereal at 6am. Mike attended
seminars in the afternoon, so I got to lay
by the pool, go to the spa, or take a nap. I should probably feel like
a terrible mother because people kept asking if I was missing the kids,
and I could honestly reply “No.” Don’t get me wrong -- I was excited
to get back to them after the end of the four
days, but it was great to have the opportunity to have some “alone”
and I met up with Mike and some of the members on his work team at the
Texas State Fair one evening this week. One of the team members is
they usually have a goodbye dinner but thought that going to the fair
would be more fun. We had never been to the fair before, and I did not
realize how “sketchy” it is in that part of town . After driving in
heavy traffic for well over an hour, I was about
two minutes away from the parking lot, when a car cut me off. I had to
make a sharp right-hand turn that resulted in blowing out my tire. I
pulled into the first available parking lot, which thankfully happened
to have a car repair shop. The staff was nice
enough to change the tire for me. I only had to wait about 10 minutes
before Mike arrived to help me. However, the comments made by
bystanders in that short time period were nothing I care to repeat here .
. . worst of all, the comments directed to me were
in front of Noah. Luckily, once we got to the fair, we had a lot of
fun (especially Noah). We ate way too much fried food and went on too
many rides, but it was still a blast!