Mike’s mom, Nancy, was able to fly out for his birthday party. Unfortunately, Max and Amelia were up in the middle of the night throwing up the day before she arrived. I got the stomach bug the day after she arrived, and she and Mike followed shortly after. Thankfully, we were all well by the time of his birthday party.
Being that it was his first birthday and he doesn’t care about picking the theme, I chose a “Mustache Bash” for him. It was incredible to me all the party supplies available for a mustache-themed 1st birthday. I may have gone a little overboard, but I do enjoy planning and hosting the kids' birthday parties.
He wasn't a huge fan of the icing... |
Max at one:
Can say Mama, Dada, dog, cat, light, ball and he just learned "nose"
Loves to clap
Gives high-fives, usually to only Mike or me
Waves hi and bye
Puts the phone up to his ears and jabbers
Takes a few steps on his own every day for the last few weeks but isn’t walking yet
Gives kisses and hugs to the people in our family
Absolutely LOVES Lucy and is always trying to get her to give him kisses
Loves playing peek-a-boo, patty cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider
Loves to turn the pages when we read books together
Is always trying to get my earring and necklaces
Loves to strum the guitar and likes to watch Mike and Noah play guitar
We call this his"Woody Harrelson" face. |