Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dinner Time

It is official, Amelia had her first meal!  She LOVED IT!  It was just rice cereal; I can’t imagine how she’s going to react when we give her real food.  When I’m feeding her, if I take a break and look away to say something to Mike or Noah, she grunts in frustration to get my attention.  Next week, we’re going to try pureed sweet potatoes!

Noah’s kindergarten class met this Saturday to ice skate together at a rink in Palo Alto, it was so fun to get to see a bunch of five and six year-olds try and ice skate!  I have to say, Noah did really well, but it was his fifth time going so he had an advantage.

Mike’s parents came up for a very quick trip to celebrate his birthday which is on January 17th and to give Noah and us our Christmas presents from their side of the family.  It was so nice to see them.  Also, they brought us Lucy back, but since they left it seems like she is a little down… I think she really enjoys all the space and attention at their house.

Mike’s grandma Sandy makes amazing gifts and this year she made two of my all-time favorites.  My present was an apron, pot holders and a casserole carrier; she wrote a note to go along with the gift that talked about how her grandmother always wore an apron and how special it was to her.  The second present was to Amelia and it was redwork embroidery of a little girl with her handkerchief.  I am so excited to decorate Amelia’s room in Texas and hang it up!

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