Tuesday, September 13, 2011

2 Down, 19 to Go

. . . days, that is, until Mike gets home from New York.  He’s doing a three-week mini MBA for his job.  Thanks to the iPad and my iPhone, we can do “face” time every day (video chatting) – we look just like an Apple commercial every time he calls and he can see Amelia and Noah.  It’s been especially fun to watch Amelia when they talk; after he hangs up, she turns the phone over and over saying “Dada”!  Today she accidently hung up on him and threw a temper tantrum . . . she clenched her fists, turned bright red and screamed at me like I was responsible.

Mike’s parents were here last week to visit.  It was nice to be able to show family where we live.  Unfortunately, Noah was really sick and it developed into bronchitis, so he had to take it easy and stay home from school for a few days.  He’s better now, which is great because he started flag football and had his first Cub Scout meeting.  I’ve always been excited about him starting into Boy Scouts; both my older brothers are Eagle Scouts.  My parents were always very involved with their packs and I always thought it was such a great program.

While Ray and Nancy were here, we took Amelia to the zoo for the first time.  She had about the best reaction to the animals that I could have hoped for.  She truly is an animal lover, so this was like heaven for her!  The coolest part about the Dallas zoo is one of the restaurants wraps around the lion exhibit and the lions lay right up against the glass walls.  The day after Mike left, I took the kids back to the zoo because Noah was in school the first day we went.  We had such a great time – they have a petting zoo and Amelia LOVED the goats!

A bird actually landed on Amelia's head, she wasn't too excited about that!

My brother Jason, who’s in the Air Force, flew into an airport only 15 miles from our house.  We met up for dinner, and it was great to see him.  Amelia really took to him.  The last time she had seen him was last Christmas, but she definitely wanted him to hold her.  We even got a tour of the aircraft he flies!

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