Thursday, November 8, 2012

Twister Treat

This year Amelia dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, we taught her to say “Twister Treat” instead if Trick-or-Treat.  I’m pretty sure most people couldn’t hear what she said, but I thought it was funny.  I’m not even sure what to call Noah’s costume, all I can say it was very hard to look at when he had his mask on.  The kids got to go trick or treating at Mike’s office, some of the really little kids started crying hysterically when they saw Noah’s costume…thankfully their parents thought this was a funny reaction.

We went trick-or-treating with our next door neighbors, who have a little girl in second grade.  Amelia was so excited to be going out with the bigger kids; she was literally running as fast her legs would carry her, it was nearly impossible to get a picture of her.  Noah stayed out with them until close to 9:30pm and came back with a TON of candy!

This past weekend, we went camping with my good friends, Melinda, Dean and their two-year-old Clara, who happens to be Amelia’s best friend.  It was a first for both girls and overall it went really well!  We were only about ten minutes away from our house in case Amelia wasn’t going to be able to sleep in the tent but she finally went to sleep around 11pm.  The highlight of camping for all of us would probably be making s’mores, I hadn’t had one in years and boy are they delicious!

Two extra pictures I had to include, Noah reading Amelia her bedtime story and Amelia waiting for her dance class to start.

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