Thursday, December 5, 2013

Giving Thanks!

As all of you know this time of year is very busy, so I’m just going to try and hit the highlights since my last post. 

We flew to California for Thanksgiving, and it was so wonderful to get to spend so much time with family and friends out there. It was especially great that Maxwell got to meet his Great Grandma Sandy for the first time. We took Noah and Amelia to Disneyland for three days, two of which Max stayed home with Grandma Nancy so that she and Grandma Sandy had a chance to spend some one-on-one time with him.

We missed you Aunt Shelley!
Very thankful for amazing Great Grandma's!
Amelia made a new bestie, cousin Gabby!
Jack, Max and Noah on Thanksgiving.

Amelia has been talking about going to Disneyland for at least the last eight months, so you can imagine her excitement when she finally got there! I really believe ages three through five are the most fun to take kids. She got to meet five of the princesses including Princess Aurora, who is her favorite, on two separate days. She was beyond excited to meet Jack and Sally, from the Nightmare Before Christmas; we waited in line for over 45 minutes. Amelia told Jack that Oogie Boogie was mean and that she saw him in his house (the newly renovated Haunted Mansion). Her two other favorite characters were Woody from Toy Story and Genie from Aladdin.

We were so excited to see our friends, Chris and Katie Delgado and their two adorable kids!

Max had just started saying “Dada” before we left and while we were out there he added “Mama”, “dog”, and “cat” to his vocabulary. He has always loved Lucy, our pug dog, and since coming home he follows her around everywhere just saying “dog” over and over again. The week before we flew out Max came down with a temperature of almost 104 degrees, after 24 hours of it not going down we took him to the ER. He was very dehydrated and ended up getting two IV bags and antibiotics through an IV. They never figured out what was causing the fever but after seeing him go through that it really made me feel for those that have very sick children and what that must be like.
We call this Max's Klingon face.

Mike took two weeks off before he starts a new study and will be traveling again, something he hasn’t had to do in over two years. Unfortunately, one day into the second week Amelia started throwing up. We were hoping it was just something she ate, but, alas it has made its way to all of us except Max. 

Last, but not least, Noah got his braces put on today!

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