Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Max is 6 Months Old!

If I had to describe Max in one word, it would be “happy.”  He brings so much joy to our lives, and I love see him learn new things.

He started babbling a lot more lately . . . he does it mostly when he’s alone playing on his mat or in his OSV (my dad dubbed this an “Over Stimulation Vehicle” a.k.a exersaucer) or lying in his crib.  

He still doesn’t have any teeth (which I love), but I can tell they’re coming soon, since his fist is always in his mouth.  He sleeps between 12 to 14 hours at night and takes two naps a day.

In the last month, he’s really started to get excited when Noah or Amelia plays with him.  He definitely knows who’s family, but he’s still great about letting anyone hold him.

He weighs 16 pounds and is in the 16th percentile for weight; he’s 26 inches long and is in the 25th percentile for height.  We introduced him to rice cereal a few days ago.  He did okay with it, but since he’s only breastfed up until now, he has a hard time not pushing the food out with his tongue.  We’ve also tried sweet potatoes and apples, and he doesn’t seem to like either.  He makes the funniest face, like he’s eating something incredibly sour.

He has started trying to crawl, but it looks more like an inchworm moving.  He can get up and move on his knees but has a hard time staying up and keeping his chest off the ground.
The one thing that drives me crazy is that he spits up WAY more than Noah or Amelia ever did!  I not only have to change him multiple times a day, but I usually go through a few shirts myself. 

One of the things I love most about him are his beautiful blue eyes and strawberry blond hair.  How lucky am I to have one child with brown eyes, one with green eyes and one with blue eyes?!

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