Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer Fun

Is it just me, or does it feel like summer gets shorter every year?  I can’t believe that school starts in two weeks.  Noah will be going into the 3rd grade and Amelia is starting preschool.  She will only go three days a week for four hours, but I know I am going to be a COMPLETE mess when we drop her off that first day.  I am getting teary eyed just thinking about it.  

We’ve had an amazing summer, and I’ve tried to keep coming up with activities for Noah and Amelia so they don’t get overly bored.  If you ask them, the pool has been, by far, the best thing about this summer.

We've had LOTS of tea parties

Here is an update on Noah and Amelia:

Noah feels more like 16 than 8 years old.  He’s a wonderful big brother and overall very responsible.  His favorite things are building Legos, K’NEX, biking, playing Wii and guitar.  He has really enjoyed having friends who live on our cul-de-sac.  We’ve started planning his 9th birthday party; half of the people on the invitation list that Noah compiled are Mike’s friends (in their thirties!).

Noah built a theme park out of K'NEX

We had Mike's team over for dinner and Noah set up a race track and they had quite the competition!
Amelia is a firecracker; I cannot tell you the number of people who’ve said that to me.  She says the funniest things.  She might kill me one day, but there is one story in particular that I have to share.  She’s a very literal child and doesn’t like nicknames, she names her toys exactly what they are… puppy, kitty, baby, Barbie.  So a few weeks back she started calling Max “Peanut,” and Mike and I both thought that was so cute, since she’s never given anything a nickname.  So we all started calling him that for the next week . . . that is, until one day when I’m changing his diaper and Amelia goes, “Look Mommy, there’s his peanut!”  I realized at the moment she’d been really calling him a penis all along.  I can’t tell you how hard I laughed!

Her favorite things are playing Barbies, dressing up, laying out outfits for herself (she has even started laying out outfits for me as well).  She loves to color and snuggle, especially with her daddy.  She is the first one up every morning, so she and Mike usually get at least 15 minutes of snuggle time before he leaves for work.  She loves to bake with me, and I think she definitely inherited the sweet tooth gene from the women in my family.  

Max is now six months old as of yesterday, but I’m going to wait and give an update on him until after his six-month “well child” check-up next week.

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